VT Blogging Pro Update Notes

VT Blogging Pro Update Notes

What’s New on the version 1.0.3

Note: Be sure to refer to the information outlined in the following article before updating new theme version. We explained of what you need to know the changes in this version.

**New widget: Tabber Widget

Use the Tabber widget to display Popular Post, Latest Post and Popular Tag widget areas in to one existing widget.

**Override/Translations Text

New Additional option to change default theme text (Continue Reading & Read More)

**Fix blurry gallery thumbnail

Also compatible with WooCommerce 3.5+

**Slider navigation arrows only appear on mouse-hover

**Increase site speed

When you disable Animation on blog settings, script & class removed/will not load.

**Autofocus to the search input to start typing

Ready to start typing once the search button clicked

Full Changelog

*** v1.0.3 – 09 April, 2019 ***
* UPD: vt-blogging-pro.pot
* UPD: Theme Screenshot
* UPD: Formatting Date and Time – Textual three letters
* UPD: Compatible with WooCommerce 3.5.x
* UPD: Slider navigation arrows only appear on mouse-hover
* ADD: New 1 Additional widget: Tabber Widget
* FIX: W3C Validation time-datetime in the required format
* FIX: W3C Validation Google Fonts link
* FIX: W3C Validation Font-weight with numeric values
* FIX: Post views count
* FIX: Duplicate ID “vt-blogging-pro-custom-scripts”
* FIX: Woocommerce (blurry gallery thumbnnail)
* Improved Featured Slider Settings. Selecting featured post by post/page IDs
* Improved “Override Theme Text Setting” (Option to change “Continue Reading & Read More” text)
* Optimized for Speed
* When animate disable, script & class removed/not load.
* Optimized Gravatar image size
* The search icon now autofocus to the search input to start typing
* Files Added:
  – /assets/js/bootstrap.min.js
  – /inc/widget-tabs.php
  – /inc/widget-fields.php
* Files Remove:
  – /template-parts/date-format.php
* Files Updated:
  – readme file
  – responsive.css
  – style.css
  – functions.php
  – /layouts/
  – /customizer/
  – /js/global.js
  – /inc/widgets.php
  – /inc/template-tags.php
  – /assets/css/style-admin.css
  – /template-parts/entry-meta.php
  – /woocommerce/css/woocommerce.css

1. Before updating your theme

Be sure you are running the latest version of WordPress.
It is also a good idea to make sure you have a backup of your site. To learn more about backing up your WordPress website please see the Codex here: WordPress Backups Codex

2. Uploading the new version

Download latest version
You can download the latest version of your theme in your Member Area dashboard, unpacks the zip file in a temp directory.

Upload your theme
The easiest way to manually update your theme is using Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades
*Click here for tutorial.

3. Update Font Weight Settings

Since the “Font-weight” setting now changes to numeric values, it will appear empty/blank on the theme option.
Navigate to WordPress Dashboard. Appearance Customize Font Settings.
Please reorganised all Font Setting section that have “Font-weight” option.

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