VT Blogging Pro v2.3 Update Notes

It is highly recommended to update to the latest version.

What’s new:

*Redesign Featured Slider

We updated the Featured Slider and added further styling options. Documentation
– Some Color settings may changed after theme update. You may need to check all Settings and configure the Featured Slider.

* Replaced Owl Carousel v1.3.3 with Flexslider
* UPD: Theme language
* UPD: jQuery Superfish v1.7.10
* UPD: Minor CSS adjustments
* FIX: WooCommerce variations selector size
* FIX: Input checkbox in comment form
* FIX: Set the theme version, based on theme stylesheet.
* FIX: Structure data
* FIX: Duplicate attribute class in single posts
* Remove property “blogPost” structured data

Full Changelog

*** v2.3 – Aug 06, 2020 ***
* Redesign Featured Slider
* Replaced Owl Carousel v1.3.3 with Flexslider
* UPD: Theme language
* UPD: jQuery Superfish v1.7.10
* UPD: Minor CSS adjustments
* FIX: WooCommerce variations selector size
* FIX: Input checkbox in comment form
* FIX: Set the theme version, based on theme stylesheet.
* FIX: Structure data
* FIX: Duplicate attribute class in single posts
* Remove property “blogPost” structured data
* Files Added:
  – /libs/flexslider
  – /assets/img/slide-thumb.png
* Files Removed:
  – /libs/owl
* Files Updated:
  – style.css
  – responsive.css
  – functions.php
  – /woocommerce/woocommerce-hooks.php
  – /woocommerce/css/woocommerce.css
  – /languages/vt-blogging-pro.pot
  – /layouts/
  – /libs/superfish/
  – /template-parts/content-single.php
  – /template-parts/featured-slider.php
  – /template-parts/post-format.php
  – /inc/widgets/widget-ad.php
  – /inc/widgets/widget-about.php
  – /inc/widgets/widget-fields.php
  – /inc/scripts.php
  – /assets/js/global.js
  – /customizer/styles.php
  – /customizer/customizer-options.php
  – /customizer/customizer-library/css/customizer.css

Upgrade & Setting the new version

Download latest version
You can download the latest version of your theme in your Member Area dashboard.

Upload your theme
The easiest way to manually update your theme is using Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades.
*Click here for tutorial.

Regenerate Thumbnails
New carousel slider thumbnail using size 150px x 100px. you need to *Regenerate Thumbnails your images again so that they fit better within the theme.

Install and run the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin.

Your feedback is valuable to us! Be sure to comment below and let us know what you think.

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