Translating your Theme

Although Our themes are in English, you can easily translate your new theme you wish.
We recommend that you download and install POEdit to translate your theme.
Once downloaded, open up the application.

Within the theme files, we have included a .pot file that you will need to use to translate the theme. To locate the .pot file, unzip and open the ‘’ folder and locate the Language folder. The .pot file will be inside this Language folder.

In POEdit, click on the ‘Create New Translation’ button and then open the .pot file.

Next select or type in the language of the translation.

Once you have selected the language, you can start performing the translation of the theme’s strings. Go through each line of readable text in your theme and enter in the translated text in the Translation field to the language that you have chosen. There may also be some translation suggestions that you can choose from in the panel on the right.

When you have translated each line, go to File > Save and save this .po file into the same folder as the original .po file. Please note, POEdit automatically changes the file name to reflect the language selected, for example if you have chosen to translate the theme to French, the file name will be fr.pot. However you may need to adjust it to your selected language. POEdit will also automatically create a .mo file.


You’ll need to make sure your wp-config.php file settings match your language files. You’ll need to open the wp-config.php file, Edit and set your language accordingly, like this:

When this is all done, you can now change the language in your WordPress admin area. Go to Settings > General > Site Language and then choose the language you want to load for your website and click Save Changes. To get the theme strings to change language too you now need to upload your edited language files from POEdit to the /language/ folder on your live website.


Share your language files with others

If you’ve already translated a theme then many of our users would be delighted if you could share your translation files with the community. Just get in contact with us via our Support forum and we will include the translation files in the next theme update if possible.

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