Is there any way you can allow the image to be the size of the one you want to post, for when we add it as the Featured Image? This goes on the post so at least there is an image there and not just a couple of sentences followed by ‘read more’.
I copied to show you what it looks like here within the lines:
June 17, 2017 (Social Media Icons go here)
Faux fur purses and handbags may never go out of style, but if they do, it won’t be for long. This fabric is known as faux, fake, or fun fur and is an imitation of real fur. Faux fur fabric is made from acrylic and […]
That’s it. It looks boring who wants to open that to read more.
The size you stated as ideal 800W x 533H is a banner, way too wide and long. It doesn’t make sense.
I don’t want to change my theme just because the images are way too big. My site is still new and would like to solve this before I get traffic.
Please help, this is a simple resolve on your end that would make a huge difference for me.