Reply To: Lycka upload failure – help needed to resolve

Hi @alloos,

Thank you for contacting VolThemes today.

A common issue that can occur to installing WordPress themes is a “Broken theme and/or stylesheets missing” error message being displayed when trying to upload or activate the theme. This error means it has been uploaded incorrectly.

First, you need to unzip/extract the file ‘’.

Once you unzip the file, make sure to upload through your WordPress admin section.

– Go to ‘Appearance > Themes’ section
– Click ‘Add New’ and select the ‘Upload Theme’ option
– Choose the file and press ‘Install Now.
– After uploading the theme, you must activate it. Navigate to the Appearance > Themes page to activate the lycka theme.

That’s it! You’re all set and ready to go ?

for more detail regarding this issue, please refer to:

If you need anything else in future, feel free to ask.

